Each summer, JCPL hosts a summer reading program, in which they give out coupons for free food, amusement parks, etc. They also give free books to students in our schools for reading a minimum of 8 hours over their summer break. This past summer, JCPL had a contest in which they gave a $300 reward to every preschool, elementary school, middle school, high school, and option school with the largest quantity of minutes read over the summer. The students needed to read and log their minutes-read online. Jeffco had winners in every category. The schools were presented with a check by JCPL at an all-school assembly.
Winners Include:
- Preschool: Warder
- Elementary School: Pleasant View
- Middle School: Oberon
- High School: Jefferson
- Option School: Addenbrooke Classical Academy
We hope you check out JCPL, an invaluable resource for our students: https://jeffcolibrary.org/. Contact your local branch to see what resources they can provide you. Together we can make a huge difference in our students’ lives!
JCPL Rocks!
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